Saturday, October 6, 2012

Registered to Vote?

Voter registration deadlines in many USA states are this week. You can check if you're registered to vote in the USA here at this link. (Note: Based on comments from friends, logging in through Facebook may trap you with a last name that isn't accurate. Signing up the old-fashioned way lets you bypass that.)


  1. Dad's been procrastinating for weeks. I'm beginning to think Mom and I should just go ahead and send in our expat forms without waiting for him to catch up. (I want to have voted the first time I was old enough, and he'd better not stop me through his inaction.)

  2. (Ah, so the timezone's Pacific. Good to know.)

  3. I agree that you and your mom should just go ahead and send in your own paperwork. Don't let your dad's issues determine whether you can raise your voice to vote!

  4. I've officially been a PA voter for a year.


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